Last night while I was watching the debates I was thinking; how is one man going to solve these problems? It takes a village to solve problems. Maybe we have too many chiefs running around, and not enough Indians. I am in awe of so many right now. My heart is breaking for those that have lost everything, and blessed to see those that are willing to give.
Saturday morning I will be driving with my husband and friends to the fire. I have no idea what to expect when we get there. I already know that this will change our lives forever, and politics has nothing to do with it. I am humbled, sad and just a little annoyed with so many things right now. We are going to Bastrop, because it has been the hardest hit. I have a feeling though that the surrounding areas of Houston are next.
Individuals will argue that our governor should have been here last night. In some ways I agree, but when I looked at him the exhaustion and stress were all over his face. I have been reading stories about the cuts in our fire departments and that is why they can’t contain the fires as quickly. I haven’t heard one word from our president, and it proves in my heart even more that he should not be the leader of this country.
The 10 year anniversary of 9/11 is coming up, and it makes sad that we have gone backwards instead of forward. If it doesn’t affect us and our daily lives we really don’t care. This isn’t just about our relationship with HIM it is about what we have not been willing to give up. This is about all those that we blame for our problems. We can’t even take a hard look in the mirror and realize what we have done, or not done.
When I woke up Tuesday and told my husband that I thought we should take donations down, he said we’ll talk about it. I just decided not to wait. So many times in my life I have said I would give and I didn’t. The thought of men being robbed of their homes, women not being able to protect their children and a child not having clothing or food just killed me. I can’t get there fast enough to help with as much as I can.
I have had people ask me how I am doing this financially. I am doing this because of one man’s gift to me, and his love for his family. My uncle was one of the most generous men I knew. See, I could have just bought a bigger house, better cars, gone on luxury vacations, and spent it on myself and my boys. If I had done those things it would have been an insult to his memory. We can always make more money.
In the next month I will attend an event to honor him. I have to admit that it will not be easy for me, because of circumstances that happened while he was ill. If I can’t forgive then I have learned nothing from reading scripture. We must move forward and learn from our mistakes.
I am overwhelmed with the generosity of every individual that has donated to helping our state, and these individuals. Amazing hearts all around us. We are sending many blessings up for you and your families. We will be continuing our journey with this for as long as takes to help our neighbors. We have no excuse as a nation to ever ignore another in need, and the government is not going to solve that.
You may be thinking this is a guilt note. This isn’t a guilt note, and if you do feel guilty that will be your issue. I have no problem anymore telling anyone about what is right and wrong. I’m tired of excuses really about most things. Make it happen if you want it, if HE is telling you to do it, do it. I ignored HIS voice many, many times and talked the talk. There is no way that I could not give, because of the tremendous love and support I have had since I was diagnosed.
My husband is worried that I will get sick next week. That’s ok because it is small price for me to pay to HIM.
Thanks to all of you that have taken time out of your life to help me in this effort. I appreciate each one of you. I cannot even express, nor do enough for you. Don’t ever hesitate to ask us for help. We’ll be there for you.
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." colossians 3:17
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