Friday, September 2, 2011


We define slavery in this country as a white man owning a black man. We fought a war to end it. We fought during the civil rights movement for equality, and we still have severe issues in this country with race. I don’t understand, and I really wish someone could explain it to me. We cannot erase the past, and we cannot change the ignorance of another human being unless they are willing to change their heart.

Martin Luther King Jar is one of my heroes. His words, sermons, passion and the belief that equality could be achieved are a powerful legacy for the United States. I have a question though what if we could change our relationship with Christ with just a few words; He is our master and we are His slaves. What if every Christian saw themselves as God’s slave?

God looks at out hearts not the color of our skin. Why would he have created different colors of skin if He thought we weren’t equal? He looks at each person individually. Every knee will bow before God. I had a conversation with a friend some time ago that is black, and I asked what he thought about race in this country. He told me that he teaches his children that there will always be individuals that are ignorant and racist towards them, because of the color of their skin. I am teaching my children the same thing.

I am tired of hearing those in leadership suggest that the American people are racist because they support the constitution and balanced budgets. I wonder if they are saying that because now someone is going to have to prove to others that can do it, and it has nothing to do with the color of their skin or circumstance. In this country we have paid the price for slavery. We can apologize for so long. It is time to forgive, and move forward.

We have provided equal opportunity laws, discrimination laws, grants, loans, colleges, and even changed an entire race to be labeled “African American.“ What else can we do? Every individual that died in this country for a black man to be treated equally must have died in vain then. I feel sorry for people that they don’t realize what the government is doing to them in “social programs. It is just another form of slavery. They want to own you and control how you live your life, your thoughts, and what they define as righteous.

Every time I hear the word nigger out of a black man or woman’s mouth I cringe. When I was 6 years I heard this word from another individual. I repeated it to my mother. I thought she was going to slap me. She told me to never to say that word, or call someone that word because you are saying a person should be treated like animal. When Obama was elected I thought finally maybe we can move past this. I thought maybe so many in the black community would finally get it that they can achieve everything in the United States if they set their minds to it. Well, that hasn’t happened, because he continues to allow the rhetoric of the individuals in his party and those that support him accuse others of racism.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi and so many others have said he can’t stuff because he is a black man. Would these individuals even have jobs if they stopped with this crap? They would actually have to prove to the American people that they can achieve more than just pulling the race card.

Definition of nigger in the Webster dictionary:
usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black person
usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race
a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons
“Nigger in senses 1 and 2 can be found in the works of such writers of the past as Joseph Conrad, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens, but it now ranks as perhaps the most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English. Its use by and among blacks is not always intended or taken as offensive, but, except in sense 3, it is otherwise a word expressive of racial hatred and bigotry.”

I would like to convict the black community is this country to try and stop this rhetoric. If you think the white man is trying to hold you down then explain to me why there are so many successful black men and women is this country? So many in the Democratic Party, and those in society are telling you that you are not worthy as a man or woman. They are telling that you that you are not intelligent enough to succeed because of the color of your skin. This should piss you off. If you still believe that you are persecuted because you are black then look around you, because most Americans have moved on.

Slavery in the bible is not about black men and women. If you are a God fearing man and woman he’s going to ask why you didn’t think you are worthy enough because you’re black. Do you really think he is going to have sympathy for you because of the color of your skin? If you aren’t willing to prove that you are a man, or woman that cares for their family regardless of skin color that is your own problem. If you aren’t willing to stand up to individuals that think you aren’t capable of achieving success in this country because you are black, that is your fault, not the white man.

John MacArthur’s book Slave is about God owning us; we were bought with his son’s blood. Who would you rather be owned by; God or someone that thinks you are not capable of taking care of your family because you are black? Those in the black community that think they deserve sympathy because of circumstance, and or the color of their skin have not earned the respect of another individual. You are telling others that you aren’t worthy, and you are letting others do this to you. Prove them wrong!

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I saw on your info page on fb that you had this blog, so I thought I'd drop by! I totally agree with your stance on this!

    On a completely different note, I saw on your "About Me" that you have MS. My mom was diagnosed with it nearly 30 years ago, so I know a lot of what you endure on a regular basis. Anyways, I hope to have a lot more opportunities to talk with you!! :)
