the holidays are upon us. yesterday i was wrapping gifts for christmas thinking about how much i love to the wrap gifts. then of course my mind began to work in over time about the holiday season and what it means to me. the bad thing is even as christian i don't put first that i should be celebrating CHRIST's birthday, but what the gifts are going to be.
i am realizing more and more that i am teaching my children about the materialism of the holidays and not what we should be doing on the holidays. the economic crisis in this country is forcing people to take a step back and hold on to their money more. some don't have jobs, and they are probably worried about how they are going to buy christmas presents. what if you have a family member that is going through this? why can't you just say don't worry about the presents, just glorify that CHRIST was born. think of the relief it would give this individual.
all over tv we are bombarded by the world and whom we need to give to. that is fine, but maybe we shouldn't give to the organization or charity every time, but actually give it to the family that is in need. some of us will buy the material gift before actually buying groceries for that family. why have we lost the ability to see that we don't need every knick knack out there.
maybe it's time america that we stop blaming our government for our economic crisis and go out there and help our communities. maybe it's time this christmas season that we start giving a little more of ourselves to help someone in need, when we have been so richly blessed. if we are telling our children that it is better to give than receive, but we as parents don't do that then they will never learn that lesson.
instead of a new sweater, or new electronic maybe give someone a gift card to the grocery store, or the gas station. maybe buy their toiletries for the month. maybe pay their electric bill or phone bill. maybe pay for their prescriptions, or a much needed doctor's visit. these are things that most people worry about, not whether or not they can buy a new purse or sweater. most people have those things and if they don't then buy it for them. most of us have no idea what this crisis is going to do to us over the next couple of years financially, so maybe it's time we start trying to help one another instead of fearing each other.
this thanksgiving think about what you are really most grateful for and maybe step by step we can give our hearts back to GOD and say thank you.
"what you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways." job 22:28
if you have never viewed it, the videos on Advent Conspiracy are shocking and awesome.