in our everyday lives the one that will always be constant is GOD. we are a fickle society where we can be swayed one way or another in a blink of a eye. while GOD considers us equal we are all different in our characteristics. we've all seen relationships fail because we put our faith in the person and not GOD.
i often wonder if individuals realize that it is not just their actions that are going to be judged, but also their beliefs. man has been trying to play GOD for centuries. all you have to do is look at the world and history. scripture is not just a belief system, it is the world's guide book on how they are to live. would this be considered radical? yes. would i be considered radical because i believe the bible to be the true word of GOD? yes. here's the kicker though, although i believe it to be true does that mean that i am responsible for another's salvation? no.
"in reply JESUS declared. i tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of GOD unless he is born again. how can a man be born when he is old? nicodemus asked. surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born! JESUS answered, i tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of GOD unless he is born of water and the spirit. flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to the spirit. you should not be surprised at my saying, you must be born again." john 3:3-7
when CHRIST was born a prophecy was fulfilled that man would be forgiven of his sins, because CHRIST took on that sin and died. no where in the bible does it say that it is a get out of jail free card. last night in this country we voted on our beliefs, but we voted for man not GOD. we have to remember that GOD does not choose a political party. with that said do you realize what you voted for and whom?
"anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." matthew 5:19
if you believe in abortion, but only believe it should be used because of rape and incest are you still killing a child? what is the difference between each abortion committed? none. GOD determines whether that child is to be born, not us. if you believe in stem-cell research to save lives from disease, but a man manipulates the cells to make another human then are they playing GOD? yes. if you believe that we are to help others, but do it just because a government tells you you must do it, are you doing it with a cheerful heart just as JESUS commanded us? for most us the answer would be no. if we believe in the death penalty does that mean we are committing murder in our hearts? according to scripture yes.
"for it is not those that hear the law that are righteous in GOD'S sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." romans 2:13
when we become adults that have been raised in the church knowing the word of GOD, but our beliefs start to shift more towards the world's beliefs then we will be judged. we have turned from HIM and HIS commands if we do this. most of us don't want war, crime, or poverty, but GOD says that it will always be there until CHRIST comes again. so what do we do? that's the human dilemma. that is the question that generations before us have asked, and generations after us will ask. these are things that will never be solved, because GOD said they won't be solved until HE returns to the world. i'm not saying that we are to ignore them and not fight to end it, because we do have obligations as christians to help others find the light through prayer, spreading the word, and giving. we do have to live by HIS rules and we cannot waiver on that because a man wants us to.
"whatever a you have learned or received or heard from, or seen in me - put into practice. and the GOD of peace will be with you." phillippians 4:9
the choice is pretty simple christians we either choose HIS way, or none. if you consider yourself a christian, but you've made exceptions to HIS rules then how do you know that those grey areas won't be judged also? we all justify our beliefs and sin. i still try to justify my sins knowing that GOD will forgive me, but will he always forgive me? we don't think about sin in those terms do we? CHRIST has said he will forgive us, but if we continue to do the same sin over and over again will HE? that is what you should fear, not what man says is forgiven.
"JESUS said, if you were blind you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." john 9:41
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