i look at my children everyday and cannot believe that i have them. some days they try my patience, but then again they are little people with all the emotions that you have. i sometimes forget that my kids may have a bad day just like me, but it's how we try to work through that, that is going to matter.
i heard an atheist once say that it is damaging and cruel for parents to teach their children about GOD. why someone with supposed intelligence would say this baffles me. my only thought on this would be that they were taught that GOD was only vengeful, and not loving also. GOD grants us the great privilege as parents too raise HIS children on this earth, and we need to fulfill HIS scripture that GOD comes first in all matters.
i cannot tell my children enough that GOD loves them no matter what they do. that HE makes all things possible for us to make this journey on earth. it is far more important to my husband and i that they understand this most of all when they go out to make their own lives. my husband and i have a great responsibility to them not only to love them, but to give them the tools to face their trials and tribulations. ignoring, or running away from trials will never get you anywhere. they have to know with every choice they make their is a consequence to that choice.
my children test me physically and emotionally everyday. i have no idea what they are going to pull throughout the day. most things they do makes me laugh, other days i feel like i am going to lose my mind. when they fall asleep i can't help but think how beautiful they are and that washes away all the grievances of the day.
we are doing a great disservice to our children if we do not teach them that they will not get everything they want in this life without hard work. if they can't understand this then how in the world will they make it. they have to know that life is not served to them on a silver platter.
my first born child is going to be my challenge. this child is just as determined and strong-willed to get their way as i was. i just will need to help them focus this energy in a positive way to help them grow into a beautiful adult. not that i'm not strong-willed and determined now, just that my focus and path are different . my children though are so loving and so caring that it makes my heart melt. they do things for each other now that makes my husband and i feel like we are doing something right through GOD. what two little miracles HE has given us.
"when JESUS saw this, HE was indigent. HE said to them, let the little children come to ME, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of GOD belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of GOD like a child will never enter it. and HE took the children in HIS arms, put HIS HANDS on them and blessed them." mark 10:14-16
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