Wednesday, January 5, 2011

what controls us, what drives us

as i mentioned before in my last posting one of my idols is money. that got me to thinking what other idols i have in my life that are in control above GOD. what is scary is i came up with a whole list of them. i had never thought of these things as idols, but after reading certain passages of scripture i realized how much control i have given to these things in my life.

for most of us we see an idol as a little figurine, or statue of another god. we see temples that aren't worshipping THE GOD OUR FATHER. throughout the old testament we continually see individuals worship something other than GOD. not much changes in the new testament. while the old was replaced with new, because of JESUS CHRIST being born, crucified, and resurrected we still seem to have continued our worship of idols.

"Dear children, keep yourselves from idols" 1 john 5:21

here's a list of my idols:

low self-esteem

each one of these controls and drives me in some way. i am breaking GOD's commandment of idol worship every day. these are not going to be easy things for me too give up. an idol by definition takes you away from allowing GOD to be number one in your life. it takes you away from relying fully on HIM. most idols become a sort of security if you've done them long enough. i cannot remember a time when i didn't have one of these things in my life controlling me in some way.

the funny thing is you could have idols that you think are totally fine. for example; t.v., your computer, video games, or even a hobby. even giving of your time could become some sort of idolatry if you aren't doing it with a happy heart.

"blessed are those who keep HIS testimonies, who seek HIM with the whole heart! with my whole heart i have sought you; oh, let me not wander from YOUR commandments!" psalm 119:2, 10

it would be easier to say to the LORD i will give up these things fully to you, but i can't do that. i have to learn to break the habit of allowing them to control me in some way; to release each one of these idols.

"For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king.” 1 samuel 15:23

"Be careful not to forget the covenant of the LORD your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the LORD your God has forbidden." deuteronomy 4:23

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