Saturday, January 15, 2011

hearing the truth

hearing the truth is something that most of say we want, but do we really want to know? there is passage in matthew where CHRIST talks about the cost of following HIM and it pretty much tells you that you will hear the truth from HIM, but you may not like HIM for it. scripture is full of the truth whether we want to hear it, or not. we have become a nation where we would rather have our emotion fed than to hear the truth.

my husband and i are notorius, blame game fighters with each other. we both throw it each other's faces about what the other hasn't done, or has done. we both hate to admit our mistakes to each other in our marriage. this is one of the most destructive things about our marriage. neither one of us is always willing to accept the blame for the problem, instead of resolving the problem. i think a lot of people are this way. it is much easier to turn the blame on someone else than it is to face that we were wrong.

my parents are pretty "no nonsense" kinda people. my mom and dad really didn't believe in that term feed your children's self-esteem. i used to resent it, now it has prepared me for the very, harsh reality of the world. i really do believe that if they hadn't been this way i wouldn't have been able to handle having ms. when they told me that they were proud of me recently i knew that i had earned that compliment from them. they would not have given it to me if they weren't.

GOD said that we would have hardship and trials; HE told us the truth. HE said that we would have to work hard for what we earn in this life; HE told us the truth. why all of the sudden do we have to give respect and praise where it isn't deserved? my husband gets up every morning and goes to provide for himself and his family. i respect his drive to do that, because a lot of men don't do that. the truth is this is what GOD told men to do. every morning i get up to take care of my children, because GOD gave me them and GOD told me this is what women are to do. it doesn't matter how i feel, it is my job to raise these young men.

i see it this way, would i have respect for myself if i didn't provide for them in this way; no. i haven't earned that respect from my husband, my children, OR GOD if i just lay there. a friend did something for me this past week that showed me how much she respects and loves me. she told me the truth.

for the past couple of weeks my husband and i have been looking for a larger home. the reason is because at some point my mother will be moving in with us. she is by herself and i will not be able to physically always care for my children the way i do now. that's the harsh reality of it. we found a beautiful, two story home that is us all the way, but i'm not going to be able to walk up the stairs forever. my friend told me this truth and i had to accept that. she's right, because that is the hand i have been dealt with having MS.

the funny thing about this is that years ago i would have been so offended and hurt by this truth that i probably wouldn't have talked to her again. CHRIST told us to tell the truth of a situation, not sugar coat it. if we are doing something wrong we are supposed to hold each accountable for that. this is now called being too harsh and offensive.

this is all about growing and learning from HIM. it's ok to say the truth no matter how much it hurts. i don't always want to hear the truth, because then i have to face my own failures. paul in 1 corinthians 13 talks about love. he is talking to the church about the love of CHRIST and what that means. love is speaking the truth, love is sometimes harsh. it's a hard thing to tell someone you love the truth, but CHRIST commands you to.

"So the spies questioned him: “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth." Luke 20:21

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen." romans 1:25

"6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 corinthians 13:6-7

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