yesterday a friend put how she hates to do laundry. i can understand that.i started to imagine if we didn't have the washing machines that we have today. can you imagine washing your clothes by hand? maybe we wouldn't have so many clothes. my grandmother always used to tell me i had too many clothes and she was right. i'm sure that she was remembering a time when they didn't have a washing machine, among the thought that i probably had more than what i needed. i started thinking about all the marvelous things individuals have invented over the decades and it makes life sweeter.
at first i just thought i would write about the comfort items that we all love. pj's, slippers, hot chocolate, desserts, warm blankets, sweaters, books, movies; the list could go and on. then, i started thinking about the incredible inventions that changed history and the men and women that believed they could change the world.
trains, cars, boats and planes are just a marvel in themselves. we went from traveling by foot and wagons to being able to sail across the seas, take a train across the country, driving to family and friends homes, and then being able to fly a plane. the imagination of these individuals and the drive they had to produce them is incredible. in each one of us GOD puts the desire to learn and achieve through our labours. HE wants us to use our brain power and imagination to make the world a better place.
my first born child has the most incredible imagination. i love to hear the things that pop into his head everyday as he grows and realizes just what his mind can achieve. i can't imagine what he will be like in 20 years, but he could take the world by storm with his imagination. i have a great responsibility to encourage his growth and mind, so that he knows he can do anything he sets his mind to. GOD has given him that gift. GOD has given me the responsibility of raising him and sending him out into the world to make his own life.
each one us has a place in the world and a gift that has been given to us by GOD. i have friends that are artists and they make beautiful artwork to make you feel emotion. i have friends that strive to push their bodies in athletic ability. i have friends that care for the sick and by that they are giving great comfort to another.
my husband is an engineer. his mind is brilliant when it comes to his job. there is no way i could even understand half the things he is able to create. my mind doesn't work that way, but his does and he is having great success using his mind. GOD gave him that gift and he doesn't take that for granted. he chooses to keep learning and pushing himself to achieve more. too me that is one of his greatest characteristics.
as you get older you start to think about what have you done with your life and what you have achieved? all you have to do is look at what surrounds you and that is what you have achieved. my job is to raise my kids and take care of my husband that's it. that is my gift. look at all the incredible things you have in your life and bingo you've got your gifts. we don't really need more in this country and that is a pretty big gift in itself.
"moreover, when GOD gives wealth and possessions and enables him to enjoy them, to accept is lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift from GOD." eccelesiastes 5:19
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