Tuesday, December 14, 2010

tattoos, ear piercings and blue hair

someones appearance usually causes a judgement about who they are. when you first meet someone you notice how they look. we assume that's who the person is. vanity hit me the other morning when i was looking at my hair and i found more greys. i never thought that would bother me, but it does. the idea of growing old with wisdom is one thing, but looking older is another. the saying never judge a book by it's cover is true.

texas women are notorious for their hair and make-up. it's a known fact that we like things bigger down here in the lone star state and sometimes that means really big hair. i have beautiful friends that look incredible every time i see them, each one is different in appearance, but their hearts and minds are what make them. where in the world do these rules come from? do we get it from the magazines, or the bible? did our mothers teach us that, or our friends? what makes women feel like they have to look, or be a certain way in the world?

the photograph was by far one of the greatest inventions. i love that photographers can catch the beauty of individual for the world to see. they can freeze it in time how GOD made an individual. i love that you can look at a man, a woman or a child just in their everyday world and capture that beauty; real people that aren't staging something for the world. i look at christmas cards that are just of snapshots from a family and those are my favorite. our photographer lets us roam to catch our family and our love for each other. she has a way of catching my children and their beauty.

when GOD made you physically HE broke the mold afterwards so no one else could be like you. HE didn't do it just in appearance, but HE did it with your souls as well. HE makes you who you are and what you become. HE challenges you to be that person that HE created. HE wants you to look at yourself as more than just an appearance, but as a person that is willing to discover the beauty inside themselves and share that with the world.

i love individuals that express what is on the inside to the outside. i love that individuals are willing to be just as GOD as made them, nothing more, nothing less. when someone is truly beautiful it is because of what is in their hearts and minds not what they look like on the outside.

"the KING is enthralled by your beauty, for he is your LORD." psalm 45:11

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