“When God withdraws, if we find satisfaction in anything other than God, we are idolaters‘” (Quote from our study on “Dark Night of The Soul)
Bernard of Clairveaux listed the process of progress in our relationship and for most of us I think we are stuck at numbers 1 and 2. I don’t know too many people that have moved past those stages. If we think we have then we are probably too prideful in our journey.
Stage 1 - Love of self for self
Stage 2 - Love of God for self
Stage 3 - Love of God for God
Stage 4 - Love of self for God.
“And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,” 1 John 2;3-4 This is not just about murder, adultery, stealing, etc this is about pride, selfishness, gluttony, envy, greed, and idolatry - covet.
I have great peace that it will only get worse before it gets better in this country. Strange irony I know. C.S. Lewis made a comment about the church of materialism, and it is our country plus most of our homes; “Satan and his workers are pleased in our materialism and indifference to society.” On Christmas Eve we went to church with my mom. She asked if we had any women pastors and I said no we don’t. Scripture says that women should not be teaching to men. They should not be pastors. They should not be on church boards. They should not have any control in the church and how it functions. Women can teach to other women, but not men (Titus 2). Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden not Adam. She was the cause of the fall. “For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. “ 1 Timothy 2:11-15. I don’t believe women should work outside the home unless they have to. My husband believes the same, because my job is to raise our boys. My self-worth is not based on a career it is based on God. This is self-sacrifice.
My mom immediately said well I don’t read it that way, and most women don’t from her generation and beyond. If we are a woman and a Christian too bad we are wrong. Change the thought process. “The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.” 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
I have been studying 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 for over a year now. These verses are how God loves us, and how we are to love God. We are to remove society and the opinions of others on how we are to love so we love selflessly. This means our families, friends, and society. If we choose to love anything else more than him we have failed; even ourselves. We can’t possibly love correctly. The sins in that verse are us. We think because we love him and others that we have right to control another through our perceptions of how a Christian should be. Paul was the definition of what God’s love and grace can do in our hearts. That is why he is in the bible.
I have read the verses so many times, but never really paid much attention to verses 1-5. The Corinthians had put society first and had become judgmental, pious “Christians” above God. They had chosen to be God themselves. Silly, silly people. I am becoming quite curious about Christians and their thought process. We are not allowed to change scripture to fit our own needs. What is wrong is wrong. We have to accept that. I have no idea what bible, devotionals or books they have been reading that they think that he is not going to ask us why we have thought this.
"People are programmed from early education to believe in their person power, their personal worth, their personal rights, their personal beauty, their personal talent, and to reject the reality that they are corrupt, and fallen, and evil, and sinful, and selfish, and prone to disaster. They are radically depraved." John MacArthur
I love the quiet and I love the peace of not having interference. I learned this from my grandma and my dad. They both are private with their families and friends. My grandmother passed away last year. I have been studying her in my memories. I get it now why she was the way she was. No temptation to fall away God. She was not easy, but I get it. She was removing the pressure of others to be something she was not. I know I never heard or saw her change scripture to fit her needs.
I closed my face book account. One of main reasons was because it just got to be interference in my life that just did not need to be there. I have been writing every morning, but haven’t posted on this blog. I have an issue with worrying too much about what friends and family think of me, and I actually don’t have to do that. Scripture backs me up on it. It is very peaceful not to have the influences of friends and family. I love them, but what we do in our life is no one else’s business. God loves us so much that he wants all of us, so nothing can interfere in that. I don’t think it is possible to love selflessly if we don’t love him first. It is just not possible. People do not need to know what we do for others. That is pride and I am ashamed.
My new course for the next year is that people are going to have to earn my love and trust. I have to do the same for others. I have to earn it with my husband and my children. It is not unconditional. I have to work at that, and vice versa. I am no longer going to be so giving that I damage myself in the process. The women that are to close to my heart have earned that and I have earned it with them. There are two women that know my heart truly, and that is who has my trust, love and respect. I realized that. These are the women that are allowed to step in and care for my family when I am sick. They know who to go to when I need help without even asking, because they know I trust those individuals. I have become very guarded with my heart. This will be the new journey with GOD.
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