Tuesday, July 19, 2011

raising taxes and raising the debt limit - not a good idea

this is why i am against both of these...

raising taxes on the wealthy is not a good idea. christ was correct when he said it is hard for a rich man to give away his money. well, in my opinion why he said it is because when we request more from a rich man he is only going to try to make that money back. i know this isn't fair always, but we really need to look at the big picture before we agree that this a good idea. there a lot of wealthy americans that give a lot of money away to all the things that we hold dear to our hearts - what if they have to give more to a fiscally irresponsible government?

corporations and businesses will raise the cost on consumers. that's the way they make it back. if they pay more out in costs then they pass the costs onto you. so in reality tax increases will affect you. all the materials that go into a product will have an increase in cost, which means that overhead will go up. every regulation or new tax law that is required by the federal government, or state government costs more money in overhead and is passed down to us. that's why torte reform is so important, because companies have to carry so much in liability insurance for everything.

i know some of you think that corporations are evil because they make money - well get over it. the simple answer to this is the more federal regulations the more money it is going to cost you. if you think that it is immoral for companies to make money so they have profits to put back into the system you must be crazy. the more money a company makes the more money that goes into these programs that the democrats so desperatly want. companies and small buisnesses give a lot of money and support to the private sector to help individuals. you should ask your employer what they give away in donations a year.

here's an example that effects all of us. kraft foods produces tons of products. well, all of us buys something from them - mac n cheese. well here is the trickle down to the consumer. they have tax increases, so do does each company that they buy materials from - all the way down to the farmer. so you have higher overhead costs, which means you charge more. is this greed, no this is so they can continue to pay their employees and cover their employees benefits. here's the even bigger rub...most large corporations give money back to the community - they will stop doing that, or they'll move overseas and you will no longer have thousands of americans paying into the federal government or your state, so no more social benefits. you've seen in it manufacturing for years. how many things are your in your homes that are made overseas? every new regulation, or tax increase on a company goes to back to you.

take for example oil companies...i know, i know everyone hates big oil. get over it! we import more oil which costs us more at the pump. we're not allowed to drill here because of the driving costs of the epa and liability insurances to these companies. think of how many products have petroleum in them. this is not just about the cost of gas, or energy. we are driving jobs away from our country, because we are penalizing this industry. they are trying to find more efficient energy sources would you please give them a chance people!

you know what is immoral is the fact that the united states is not willing to say NO to all these people that want something for nothing. it's immoral that they would raise the debt limit on us, we cannot sustain it - we do not have any money. why do you think the american revolution happend? GOD SAID YOU DO NOT WORK YOU DO NOT EAT - that is exactly what he meant. there is no hidden meaning in that.

you know why china is so pissed at us, because they are our main lendor. they have warned us that if we raise the debt cieling we will default. we will have bad credit. it does matter if we raise taxes on the wealthy. this only means that the cost of everything will go up even more and we will still be charged higher interest, because we weren't willing to make the cuts across the board. no one will win - we all lose. we have added too much to our plate, we can't pay for it. this isn't about helping anyone any more this is about robbing us blind, so we really can't help people in need. if they continue to take more none of us will have anything to give. this will mean less money to churches, food banks, the red cross, the salvation army, goodwill, and every other cause or charity that you hold dear to your heart. where will people go to get the help need. everyone will suffer.

if you agree with raising these items you should be ashamed of yourself, because that means that in the long run you are hurting american families even more. if i were you i would be pissed that our congress did not cut off funding for these wars a long time - even when bush was in office and that the health care bill passed. that bill didn't lower costs that just raised them and made health care worse. now what are we going to do - we are losing great doctors, great individuals in the health care industry because our congress and president wasn't willing to go in and make the reforms that we needed years ago.

ask your employers how much it really costs them to run their companies, pay you and provide you with benefits. we get mad that we have to pay more in interest rates, or just the cost of living. we are paying for the irresponsibility of our government and those that aren't willing to work. the government has to stop getting involved in the private sector, or we won't have money coming in. sooner or later people are just going to stop paying, or giving us loans.

you know my dad said something to me about abortion that really stuck with me about why it shouldn't be legal. it's not just about a life that we have killed, but we have killed a child that could have possibility been a great hope to the world. an individual that possibly could have given so much to our society. we could have killed someone that could have solved our problems, how selfish is that? all because some women didn't want to support a child, have their life interrupted, or because of the way that child was created. think about it people. how is that moral?

at some point if it came to me paying more in taxes than feeding my child - guess what the united states government isn't going to take food away from my child. i pray that our government realizes what they are doing. i pray that someone comes along to help us, but we are going to have to give up something there is no way around it now. we have to take accountability for actions. we have to start becoming the nation GOD created us with his rules. we have to stop running from our problems. america has a big spending problem, not just the government, but all of us. at some point the joy ride will end.

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