"so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God." 1 corinthians 2:5
all throughout the ages christians have been questioned about GOD. face to face conversations make me nervous regarding GOD, so i write about HIM. i'm hoping this will change over time and i'm pretty sure GOD already knows that this makes me nervous. when i am put in that position HE gives me the knowledge to speak from my heart about HIS purpose.
two of the biggest questions that are usually asked by individuals that have not returned to HIM is "if HE is a loving, powerful GOD why is there evil and why do bad things about to good people?" first of all i don't know why all those things happen - i question that myself on occasion. one response i could give is read the book of job in the old testament and see how it plays out.
the idea of collective salvation is a myth. first of all we can not save people's souls; only GOD can. the idea that we are responsible for a group of soul's is just craziness in my opinion. collective salvation is false doctrine and teaching of scripture. GOD and the devil exist - they are at war for your souls and hearts.
i wonder sometimes if individuals think that to be a christian you have to live within the rules of the old testament. GOD became silent when the israelites stopped listening to HIM and to be honest i don't know how they could of kept up with all the rules of how to worship GOD. HE made it easier for us when HE sent HIS SON. the ten commandments stayed the same, but the rules of worship began to change. GOD wanted you to have a personal relationship with HIM; one on one.
HE came in human form so that you could see the conditions of your heart and mind. JESUS came for the purpose of GOD's will alone; to save you. there is great fear when you have to take a hard look at yourself and face your demons. when i was first diagnosed i really believed that i was being punished on earth for my sins (and there were some really bad ones). little to my knowledge at the time the MS was actually a gift. it is a sure way that i will always return to HIM in all things. my hardship is my true joy, because it gave me HIM.
we all have choices and we don't always make the right one. some of us continue to make the wrong choice and we suffer the consequence. for some the question is going to be why would GOD be the right choice; how is HE going to change my circumstance? i don't know how HE is going to change your heart for you, because i'm not you. all, i can do is tell you examples from scripture, or stories of how GOD creates such beauty in the lives i have great pleasure in witnessing.
i can understand though why individuals have questions about GOD in our world, because we have removed HIM from everything so that all we see in the world is horrors. i get it. why do bad things happen to good people; i don't know. i can only guess that GOD needs that individual to come even closer to HIM, or they just need listen to HIM. i don't know. all we can do is pray that HE will show us wisdom and discernment; that we will listen. i don't think that our hardships are punishments; they are tests of our faith in HIM. they are a way for us to relinquish control over own our life and rely on HIM only. they are ways for us to open our eyes on how we are living; pushing us to become more christ-like.
if you have a great life and you know that you do well then here are few questions to ask yourself. do you know the difference between right and wrong? do you know that you are to respect and love your spouse? do you know that you are the protectors of your children? do you pay your bills? do you give to the needy? have you sought wisdom? have you ever loved something more than yourself? then the question should be where did you learn all of those things; where did all things come from? the world, or GOD? guess what you non-believers you can find all of that in scripture.
if you are going through tough times, but you are choosing to ignore GOD and not rely on HIM; try to seek HIM as a change. you never know what could happen. you never know where HE will guide you. HE may just open your eyes to the incredible beauty of what you do have and what HE may be willing to give you. what's the harm - take a chance. study scripture on your own, ask questions, seek wisdom and most all pray for guidance.
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