i am much more comfortable sharing the word of GOD by writing about it then speaking about it. i find that i can speak easily about it with friends that i attend church with, or friends that i know to be strong in their walks with CHRIST.
scripture teaches us that we should be sharing the words of GOD with everyone. it has become politically incorrect to mention christianity to others in the american society today. we have the fear of being labeled radical, bible beater, or even have a sense of shame when it comes to sharing our faith. why is that?
being persecuted for your faith in CHRIST is nothing new; take for example paul. the majority of the new testament was written by paul because of his meeting with GOD on his journey to damascus. paul's conversion is one of the greatest testaments in all of CHRISTIANITY to the POWER OF GOD. his journey to fulfill the teachings of CHRIST was met with many hardships, but he persevered, because he knew this is what GOD required of him. GOD requires all CHRISTIANS to share HIS truth.
"i became a servant of this gospel by the gift of GOD's grace given to me through the working of his power. although i am less than the least of all GOD's people, this grace was given to me: to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of CHRIST, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery , which for ages was kept hidden in GOD, who created all things." ephesians 3:7-9
by not sharing this truth with others we are sinning and failing him. it is in each us through our spirits, through nature, or by scripture that GOD has made himself know to us. we all have the sense of knowing what is right and what is wrong.
last night i was going through some books that were my grandmother's and i found an article that was between a child and the reverend billy graham. i thought i would share it with you. it had a profound effect on me.
show concern about teaching others, by billy graham
"question: i am 10 years old and a CHRISTIAN. i would like to know how to teach others about the LORD JESUS without them laughing at me."
"answer: i am delighted to know of your faith in CHRIST and your concern to share your faith with others. many of us who are older could profit from your example.
first, i would urge you to pray specifically for your friends and relatives who do not know CHRIST. only the HOLY SPIRIT can convict them of their need for CHRIST, and we should pray that HE will do this.
then ask GOD to give you a greater love for your friends, especially those who laugh at you. pray also that GOD will give you opportunities to express your love to them in specific ways.
in addition, remember peter's statement that we are to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (1 peter 3:15)." learn more of what the bible teaches that GOD has done for you in CHRIST.
finally, be sure your life reflects JESUS CHRIST. often this will do more to draw people to CHRIST than anything we may say."
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