My hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I call to them, they stand forth together. Isaiah 48:13
Years ago I heard this joke about God and 2 scientists. They were discussing about how to make a human. The scientists told God that they could do it and proceeded to pick up a handful of dirt. God said "no, no, make your own dirt."
Everything that we know comes from God. We know to love, to hope, to cherish, to fight, to show compassion, or that empathy all comes from God. We know not to murder, steal, hate, covet, have greed, have envy, or to be jealous from him. It is in our very own DNA. The truths of our heart and mind come from him no matter how hard we fight it. We know the difference between right and wrong because God made sure that we would know when were made in our mother's womb.
My doctor once told me that no matter what treatments or medicines she gave me if I did not believe in God I would not be healed. Over the years I understand that statement more and more to be true. That his hand is the reason I can care for my husband, my children, my family, and my friends. I understand that I must turn my sight to him to heal. I must turn to him for courage and strength.
Our trials are truly gifts. Our trials are what makes us stronger in him. We have a choice in our trials to either become bitter, or humbled. His very hand gives us the power to overcome the obstacles that come our way. The very spirit of his SON gives us the power to move forward.
My sweet friend's son will have heart surgery this morning. He is just a baby that already has the will to fight. He already has so many praying to God to care for this child. When God's children come together with the connection of the Holy Spirit there is nothing that can hold him back. He is the one that controls all things for his glory.
By his hand we have hope, we have mercy, we have grace, we have peace and we have his powerful love to guide us. Shout out to the heavens for his protection and strength.