Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Passion Of Christ

I don't know if you have ever watched the Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson. When the film came out there were so many that said it was too brutal and violent. Actually, I believe it was far worse. Just imagine for a moment the full wrath of our Father and His Son taking on every sin, of every human being to save us.

This is what he did for us. Imagine this image every time we fear speaking the truth of Christ. Imagine this image every time we are uncomfortable with confronting the politically correct, tolerate Christian. Imagine this image every time we are offended in our pride for being called out. With great love he did this for us. Why are we ashamed of this? There is no shame in the truth. We are to glorify him for doing this. We lack empathy even for him. We are to become more like him, and this is a side of God that we must face. We are to die, and become new just as he did.

Yesterday was the first time that I went in to see my MS doc without trying to hide my MS. Yesterday I went in, and asked for treatment. Yesterday was the first time that I did not feel shame or guilt for my illness. She told me the truth and I accepted it without fighting. She said it is nice that you are finally not concerned with those that may think you are selfish. He began a work in my heart last December and it is awesome.

Look at that image when you complain about the little things in your life. Look at that image when you are mad that you didn't get your way. Look at that image when you attack another person for not being like you, and then you profess to love him. Look at that image when you whine about how hard your life is. Remember what he did for you.

One of our greatest sins is we believe we don't have to change for him; he did the above why wouldn't you? One of our greatest sins is believing that we are not in a constant war with Satan's games. One of our greatest sins is ignoring his truth because of fear, or being uncomfortable. One of our greatest sins is we skip over the above and just move on to stuff that makes us feel good about ourselves.

I remembered yesterday in my physical pain that it all goes away the moment I go home to HIM. My sufferings are nothing compared to what he did. I am so grateful that he loves me so much that in my weaknesses he holds my hand, gives me strength, and says I have you no matter what! He doesn't let go of his children. It is a great honor to be chosen by him; boast in it!!! Don't be afraid to say that it is because of God that you make it through each day, and there is no other reason.

I believe that people that ignore his suffering and skip over to the mushy part are weak. A very wise friend of mine said; Read scripture and ask what that says about God, not how it applies to you.

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted," 2 Timothy 3:12

Saturday, September 21, 2013


For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. Jude 1:4

The topic of bullying is the big thing now in our schools. The parents are to blame if their child is a bully. They probably have that behavior themselves. They find it acceptable to tear down another person. I would say the appearance is far more important to them than the heart.

Before my sons were born it was very important to me that they valued a person's heart above appearance. They have been trained and know that it would be unacceptable to us if we found them attacking another person for not being like them. This is an ongoing training. They know that appearances can be deceiving; their mom looks well, but is ill. We never know what another is going through.

I just read an interesting post from John MacArthur regarding the charismatic movement. There are many aspects to that movement, however, he made a comment regarding how so many Christians promote tolerance, loving tones, etc, but to do not accept the truth of the gospel. Jesus was very clear that we are to confront our brothers and sisters about their sins and hold them accountable. There is great love in that. It is just like when a parent tells a child no or disciplines them for a wrong.

Humility is not a trait we are born with. Humility is a trained discipline. God has had to train my heart to show humility. He has had to confront my inability to accept my wrongs from him and others. This is not easy because it offends our pride. I have noticed over the years some profess to love Christ, but do not accept his truth very well. If they are confronted with their actions they will attack your character so theirs doesn't show. That would be a false person that is just in it for the appearance.

"having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 2 Timothy 3:5 

A few years ago my mother made a comment about someone that we know. She asked me the question why would they say they love you when their actions and words are very manipulative? Why would they lie about something as important as love? People like this use God to bully another into gaining what they want and desire. They are not a compassionate, or empathetic individual. Their desires and needs are more important.

In the book of Mark chapter 13 Jesus tells his disciples what signs he will give at the end of times. Many believe we are in the end times now, but many have believed that for thousands of years. He speaks about exposing those that are false. He exposes those that claim to be Him, or prophets. He exposes those that value the appearance above him; that is their idol. In my opinion I think he does that all the time if we are willing to see it. I also believe that God pounds his children to fall to their knees when they need it. He is unrelenting in it. He needs his children to see how they being disobedient to him and others.

Be wary of individuals that profess to love Christ, but condemn you with their actions or words if you are not like them. Ask yourself the question is what they are saying can be backed up with scripture, or is it their view of God. Those that say they are sinners, but believe they do not commit sin do not understand their very nature. They have a problem with forgiveness, and grace. They have a problem admitting that they have been wrong. They very rarely apologize. That is a bully.

"preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Timothy 4:2-4

Friday, September 13, 2013

He Is Not Coward

I have not written in a very long time, or I should say I have not posted in a very long time. Yesterday, I read an article regarding some comments the Pope had given to atheists; "you don't have to believe in God to go to heaven." I am hoping that is not what he meant, because those comments would be a lie. We do not enter the gates of heaven without accepting the son. It does not matter how good your deeds are; if you deny God's existence you are choosing yourself over him.

Those words should deeply offend those that know that Jesus is the only way to the father. We are a nation that boldly fought against tyranny. We boldly fought against those that did not put God above all things. We will lose that if we do not confront it. We have become a nation of cowards when it comes to God, because so many view him as just a nice guy.

Jesus was not always kind. He boldly confronted those that were against his father. He boldly confronted those that valued the appearance more than his father. He boldly confronted those that would condemn another without searching their black hearts. He would look them in the eye when he did it. He offended our pride, arrogance and self-righteousness. We have too many that profess to love Christ that believe they do not have to change their hearts completely for him. We have too many that believe that they are not capable of sin; that is their sin.

In November of last year I prayed to God to become a Mary in a Martha world. Within 2 weeks my MS was appearing again, by February it was full blown, by April he added a mass on my liver, and increasing physical pain that was unbearable. He was removing my fear, my guilt, my pride and my arrogance; he was taken it by full force. He was reminding me daily that I did have the control any longer to decide who shared or saw my burden. He made sure that I could no longer hide it from husband. My sons finally knew their mom was sick. My parents had to accept their daughter would not heal physically the way she had before. This was my blessing and gift. For the first time since my diagnosis I have allowed him to give me rest.

He did not do it with kindness. He did it with great authority, love and discipline. I no longer could run or hide from it. In return he told me to receive, to be loved and cherished, to lose my guilt, and to love myself. On Wednesday of this week he didn't remove my MS, the mass, or the pain but he didn't give me cancer. My gratitude and worth is in him alone.

I feel sorrow and sadness for those that do not have the courage to confront their hearts and repent; believe me I understand. I feel pity for those that believe they do no wrong; only fools do that. I feel anger at those that profess the love of Christ, but are not willing to hold another up when they need it. I feel pain when I think of those that do not understand, or are unwilling to accept how strong he is. He wins in the end - always.

I have no idea how many times I have read the passion of Christ now. God was not gentle and kind in the killing of his son. He was brutal when He poured his wrath onto him, and his son took every sin of man; that is not a coward. He still does it when we confess with our mouths and humbly admit that we can not do it without him. That is his love for us. As our pastor said on Sunday; God does not wink at sin.