Tuesday, December 25, 2012


What a glorious morning! Merry Christmas!

I have been thinking so much about Mary and the gift that God gave her. A beautiful young, poor, uneducated woman that carried the messiah all because God favored her humble nature. What a beautiful gift God gives women when they carry a child. What a beautiful gift God gives women that can't have one to care for the orphans. Women that can't you are just as blessed as those that can. He gives you the ones that are not wanted by the world. Remember that in your journey.

I love the story of Mary. I love how God showed the world through a baby a glimpse of his unconditional love for us. I love that everyone that came in contact with Jesus were accepted, cherished, held and loved passionately. I love that this man would tell you truth, hug you, and say I can save you if just accept me.

So far my favorite Christmas gift this year is my MS attack. He gave me a desire of my heart that I needed, but I didn't know it. My husband and I needed to remember our reality. I look at my sweet boys and know they are my gifts that the world may have thought I shouldn't have had God said yes you can and I will give what you need to care for them. They are my miracles.

When we were planning to have our first son my husband and I didn't know if I could. I was sitting in my doctor's office by myself looking at my MRI scans, and staring at the scars on my brain that are unrepairable. My doctor said this may not be a good idea, this could be serious, and I don't think you should. I told her it will be fine, we will do this, and you will help me. I never told my husband how serious it could be until about a year ago because he would have said no. He wouldn't want to risk losing me. It never entered my mind or soul not to give this beautiful man a child. I never for a moment would not risk myself for him, and a baby. Actually, no one knew the full extent of what this disease could do to me after my son was born. Then he gave me another...HOW AWESOME IS THAT!

That fear of an MRI scan and that one appointment creeps up every once an awhile. God gives me the strength again with Him holding me by the hand, and says "I have you." God gives us the miracle of life. God gave us a baby that would save us. He gave us a son that would save our hearts. Cherish this Christmas this year with all of the trials, and sufferings that he is in control for the better and what we will gain.. He gives us life after we die of our old self.. He gives us children so we can become more like him just like he gave Mary. That is our eternal gift of heaven.

Every year as my sons grow I thank them for making me stronger. I thank God for giving me 2 young men that are stronger than myself so I remember that he gave me miracles when the world thought I couldn't. I thank him for letting me be their mother.

My husband looked at me this morning, and said let's go down and get some of your favorite pottery. I looked at him and said there is no need. He works everyday to give me the gift of medicine, and the care I need to take care of our sons. That is my gift everyday.

See with the gift of a disease and an attack on my body I get to see my gifts everyday that he has blessed me with. Be confident and strong in those gifts; no one can take that away from you unless you let them.
I have a sweet friend who is a part of my soul. She called this past week after the two weeks of meds. She waits until I'm close to the end to talk to me. She has been known to send emails telling people not to call, or push me about helping during this time. She knows that people have good intentions, but she also knows that I can't do the things I normally do or would like to do. She knows the ones that I will allow to see me so ill. That is love, and this is not harsh or offensive. Some would think that is just awful that she would do that - nope not all.

There in women my life that have seen my pain and my fear. They have held my hand, and hugged my sons as if they were their own. Those are friends that would give their life for others. They are my blessings in this life.

My parents have forgiven each other all because of the love they have for their daughter and a disease. That's what God does he brings his children together out of his love. He brought us together for the love of one baby that he knew would save our hearts.

Love to all of you and many blessings. I hope many, many miracles come into your life and those that you love.

Merry Christmas....The SON has been born.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Every person reading this is a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite writing this. Religious hypocrites is what we are. Our pastor sent out an email about the shootings last Friday, and he mentioned the word hypocrites. From that moment on it was laid on my heart to search scripture for my hypocrisy.   If you are mad at your spouse, your child, your parent, your neighbor you have murder in your heart just as much as that poor, sick young man. 21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother[a] will be liable to judgment; whoever insults[b] his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell[c] of fire. Jesus - Matthew 5:21-26

When someone insults us for quoting scripture, or corrects us, take it because he was insulted long before you. He says if your enemy slaps you on the cheek go on a give them the other cheek with boldness. Look them in the eye when you do it. My dad gave me great advice when I was younger about those that didn't like me. "Prove them wrong about you with the way you live your life. That just pisses people off that they were wrong, and that it doesn't matter to you that they are not in your life. You don't even have to say anything, and it makes them madder." He still tells me this. God gives us the strength to endure our enemies. Remember enemies could be sitting in the pew next to you that don't accept the truth of Christ. They are anti-Christ. That could be you.

You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: 8 “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;9 in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” JESUS - Matthew 15:7-9

We honor him, say we love him, he tells us NO, and we say "whatever that's not what you meant." How many times have we told our children no, and they still do it. It is the same thing, but we are supposed to be adults that love Jesus. How many times have we told someone no, they keep pushing, and then we do it for the wrong reasons. We just have been manipulated by someone that professes to love Christ. That is what you did to someone, because you wanted your way without any regard to the other person. We just damaged a part of their soul for us to gain control, and then we say that wasn't our intention. What was the intention to get your way, or that they were saying no for a good reason? God detests it with a passion.

18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? Matthew 22:18

God never said to remove the word no from your vocabulary, be politically correct, or tolerant. If it causes us to sin we just have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. We have just hurt our best friend in the entire world. Be careful, be aware and train you mind to say "would God want me to do this?" He says for us to fear him; his jealousy, his wrath, and his anger. He has the control to throw us to hell or heaven. What we do on this earth is how we get in. We are to fear him not men or women that we have relationships with.

One of the things about my life that I am grateful for is that I was not raised in the church. Not all churches are bad, but if you were raised in a church that did not teach every word of the bible you have been deceived. My husband and I joke that we wonder if people that prayed me to find Christ are annoyed now that they didn't realize I would actually read scripture to find out what it really meant.

We are fools as Christians if we do not seek his wisdom, truth and instruction for the living word. If you become angry, offended or feel wronged by a christian telling you the truth from the word of God then you don't understand his words. It is on you not the person that told you truth. They always say make check lists about your goodness to build your self-esteem, well why don't we ever make checklists for our sins? We have been taught by men and women that we will not be told by Jesus what we have done wrong. Imagine Jesus sitting in your living room, and telling the truth about your thoughts and what is on your hearts. Telling  us what we are really like.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

I got up this morning and thought about every sin I committed yesterday. I cussed like a sailor, yelled at my kids, and lost my patience quite a few times. I called our congress and our president idiots on quite a few occasions. Guess what - my little boys called me out it. That is what I get for telling them not do those things. It sure did backfire on me, and told them they were right "mommy, was wrong." They are innocent and pure still - THANK GOD. That is why children are so precious to God. They tell us the truth.

I could throw a whole list of churches that teach false doctrine, but I will only give you one; Lakewood Church. Joel Osteen is a great example of a false teacher of Christ. Huge mega following of the prosperity, and social gospel. He teaches that Christ wants to fulfill all you dreams, ambitions, forgive you for everything without ever giving up anything about yourself, and never tells you no. He is a "feel good" pastor about your sin. It is a "seeker" friendly church that people run to because it makes them feel good. We don't like facing our hearts, or what we really do wrong. That will be a big problem for us when go home to him trying explain why we disobeyed him, and thought our way was right. He will ask why you continually submitted yourselves to being deceived. He will even ask those that don't even believe him, because he said he said he would. 
8 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites,[a] and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Paul - Romans 16:18

Whatever he said is wrong is wrong. Whatever said is right is right. Now deal with it. Face it head on, because we need him desperately to live. He is the living water that will sustain you. JESUS will hurt your feelings if you are wrong, because he loves you more than than the world. HE IS THE TRUTH, and he will call us out on it. Below is a great definition of what it means to be a christian

"If anyone wishes to come after Me, you want to come to Me, you want to receive My message, you want to follow Me, here's what you're going to have to do. Let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me." That, friends, is a total takeover of one's life. It's the end of you I mean, you can be saved, you're not adding Jesus to your life, you just lost your life. You're not having Jesus come along and fix up your dreams and fulfill your ambitions, you just said no to your dreams and your ambitions and yes to His sovereignty. What does it mean to deny yourself? Remember when we studied that text and I told you, to deny yourself the Word, deny...it means to refuse to associate with? Oh, you want to follow Jesus, do you, then the first requirement is you refuse to associate with the person you are any longer. You just died. Paul says, "For me to live is...what?...is Christ...is Christ." I'm crucified with Christ. I died with Him there, I don't have a life of my own, I don't have a will of my own, I don't have a plan of my own. I don't have an ambition of my own, my ambition is to be pleasing to Him. It's the end of you." John MacArthur - A Certain Cure for Hypocrisy


There were the Pharisees and there were the disciples. For the disciples it said something. They had already committed themselves to Christ. But just because you're committed to Christ doesn't mean you don't struggle with hypocrisy. The message to them was be real, be genuine, be truly spiritual and truly righteous in your giving, your relation to others, your praying, your relationship to God as if you could fool Him. And your fasting, your relationship to yourself. Be real. Don't be a phony. Don't ever fall prey to that.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


We are less than a week away from another Christmas. The tragedy of the Connecticut is weighing on our hearts, because of the innocence that was taken from these families and friends. It will forever change these individuals lives. For the last few days I have been thinking a lot about Mary and the birth of Christ. I have been thinking about the evil that occurs everyday, all day long that we ignore. I have been thinking about the beautiful blessings of children, and how God sees us.I have been thinking that as adults what our children see in us they imitate and carry into their lives.

What is so sad about this is that God has to allow such violence for us to come to him. It seems to be the only way his children will follow him. The brutality and death of his son had to been done for us to see. He never wanted that for us, but it seems to be the only way as a society that we can give up our dependence on ourselves and go to him. Murder has been in our hearts since the beginning; Cain murdered his brother Abel for being good.

People are going to go wild about gun control now, but yet will not think about adults that abuse children physically and sexually everyday. I grew up surrounded by children that's parents or someone they knew did mass horrors to them everyday. This was my reality as a child that I knew that others could commit such evil everyday. On Friday I remembered a little girl that had become a part of our life that my mom had cared for over the years. I picked her up from her counselor and while we were driving back to her foster home we drove past her old apartment. She said "my mom used to beat me with a phone cord there, because my dad had left her." Her mother only beat her, not her other children, because the man she loved had left her. That is the reality of our world whether we want to face that or not. Christians turn their eyes away from this. That is a failing to him, and he sees us do it.

I have been thinking about Mary. She would have been a teenage girl, and very poor. Years of studying her culture would have told this. Our society - the United States - would tell her to have an abortion because of circumstance. Of course those that are reading this may say "oh, no she is going to be political." Abortion is not politics it is murder of a child. Legally in this country millions of children are murdered every year, and we allow it to happen. We allow murder of innocents everyday. My friends that are Christians that are pro-choice could you really tell Mary to her face that she doesn't have to the bear the responsibility of Jesus, and have the child because of circumstance?

People of her time may have thought she had sex with someone that was not Joseph and got herself pregnant. They may have even thought she was raped. That is the irony that as Christians that are pro-choice they never think about Mary. I would start re-evaluating your relationship with your Savior. She was redeemed in the eyes man by his resurrection. She could of thrown it back in people's faces and said "how much do you trust God?" My son gave his life for yours and overcame death through the resurrection. I kind of wish she had said that to them, but God favored her for humble spirit.

Someone told me once that they didn't understand why I would have a child knowing that my MS could be worse after the child was born. They basically were implying why would you be selfish and have a child knowing that you may not be able to care for the baby. The answer was I trusted God more than a disease or circumstance. No other reason. Over the years individuals have implied that I am selfish when it comes to my sons. I would say you are wrong, and you need to look at yourself before you throw stones. I get bored with that game.

As their mother I am to protect them from damage done to their hearts because of the world. I can't always do it, but I can tell them why that person was wrong. I can tell them that people do things that are hurtful, because they think you should look a certain way, be a certain way and act certain way. I have to tell them that Christians will even use God to make them feel guilty for not being like them. That is the reality of our world.
My sons are not perfect, and they are still learning that they will be told no. They are still learning that they have failings and there will be a consequence. They are learning to become men of courage, strength, kindness, love and humility. That if they damage another person they are damaging God. They have choices in this life to live fully in Christ, or how the world says to live. As a parent if we promote evil our children will do the same. God watches his children do such evil and then we wonder why he is losing his patience.

As a parent I know that if I have envy, greed, materialism, pride, selfishness, and every other sin in my heart and do those things my sons will see that and do the same. The sad part is they will think they are right, and not wrong. That is the reality of a parent. If we ignore those things about ourselves, and do them that is what they will learn. Adult children are a reflection of their parents unless they change and break they cycle with God helping them do it. If we train our children not to face the truths, trials and suffering in their lives they will run every time it gets hard to find a quick fix. If we are not teaching our children the simple truths of Christ than God will allow violence to happen because it is the only thing that we seem to understand that is wrong.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been sick. God actually gave me a desire of my heart that I needed. A break to be with him all the time without interference. I needed to refocus my life back towards my husband and children. That is what he has commanded me to do with my life no matter how  hard is is. Anything that I do outside of them for another is because I love God, and someone else may need that right now. If tells me not do it and then I shouldn't do it.  I have been studying the story of Mary and Martha. A very simple story. Martha ran around the home preparing like a crazy woman with Jesus sitting in her home. Her sister did nothing except sit with him, talk with him, listen to him and love him. Martha confronted Jesus about this and he told her Mary made the right choice. Martha is us. We argue that our way is better than his. We should all pray to become Mary.

We are about to start 2013 and I pray as a nation that we return God to his rightful place in our lives; as the head of our homes. That his truth is the way no matter how offensive it is to our way of life. I pray that adults will see that our children are a reflection of our examples. We are a nation that is being told by the governing authorities that their way is right and not God's. I am still shocked by a generation that were raised by depression era parents to believe they were owed more than what they deserved, and then they trained my generation that way. Break the cycle. Have the courage to say wrong is wrong, and God is right. We are a Godless nation pretending to be a Christian nation, and we are training our children to do that. It is time for us to take responsibility for our actions. All of us. We must relent to God, and tell him we need help. He always wins, and it is a losing battle for us whether want to admit that, or not. Read the book of Revelations - HE WINS.

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,[a] it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:5-6

8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:8-10

26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, Hebrews 10:26

having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 1 Timothy 3:5

7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

 As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb[a] of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything. Ecclesiastes 11:5

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We Will Suffer

After Friday's horrific murders our thirst for a saviour should be even greater. We thirst for peace and understanding of why such evil exists. We know that this is not what God had intended for his children. We will search to blame someone for this young man's decision. Most of us will turn further into the darkness, because a God of love would never allow this to happen to his people. God promises that every knee will bow to him with judgment this includes the most cherished of his people. Every disciple of the bible bowed to him in judgement. Every good person will bow. We can't escape that reality. We can't escape judgment; good and bad.

When I was diagnosed with MS someone told me the devil gave me this disease. A Christian told me this. That is an ignorant comment, because they believe that God is only a God of love. The intention wasn't to be hurtful, but they wanted me to have comfort that God would never cause such pain in one of is children. That is false doctrine and they have been taught that. God didn't punish me he just forced me to find him, and it is still a very harsh journey. I have been on treatment for almost 2 weeks now. My husband and I had forgotten the brutality of it. I had forgotten to praise him everyday, all day for not having an attack. I took this beautiful gift for granted.

God allows disease, wars, and innocence to be destroyed so that we will come to him. Abortion is no less horrific than what happened on Friday, but we still allow murder everyday of innocent children; legally. Abortion is America's holocaust, and people wonder why we are in trouble. He allows Satan to live, but we forget that. Have you noticed that we are not allowed as Christians to be angry about anything. We are not allowed to call evil, evil. We are not allowed to say what it really is (evil), because then we aren't being loving and tolerant. Wrong is wrong no matter how we twist it. Sin is still sin in God's eyes. We should be angry that we have turned our backs on him, and allowed others to do it. He commands us as followers to share his word.  We should be angry that a nation that once loved God so much in the beginning is now being forced to remove him, but we did allow it. We are hypocrites every time we allow it.

What this young man did on Friday was cowardly. Those around them that knew he was ill were cowards. Our fear or laziness of not helping those we love is cowardly. We turn our backs on family, friends, or neighbors out of pure selfishness because we don't want to be bothered to fight for them. We become the religious hypocrite that he hates because in reality we fear that we may have caused some of their pain. We can't face the fact that they are hurting and we don't have the strength or endurance to help them, but we say we love them. We don't believe a God of love would let someone suffer so we ignore it and throw them away. We blame others in our righteousness and pride for our failings. God detests this about his children, and no wonder he is losing his patience.

We just finished the book of Jonah. Jonah was an angry man because was God telling him to do something he didn't want to do. Jonah knew God could save Nineveh without him, but God wanted him to tell them they only had 40 days to repent, or be destroyed. Jonah told them, they repented and God gave them mercy. Jonah was still angry with God for making him do it. God is giving us warnings to repent, and we are sitting here waiting for him to just solve it without doing anything. We have to stop ignoring evil, and take a stand for HIM. We have to stop ignoring the harsh reality of what our nation has become. We will fall unless we get down on our knees and beg. It is a promise, and God always keeps his promises.

I thank God everyday for my parents that never hid the harsh truths of the world from their children. They never told us we would never suffer, or have hardships.They never feared telling us what we did wrong, and there would be consequences for those actions. They were never so prideful that they could not admit what they did that hurt us. They weren't cowards in confronting their children or those around them that created division. They never feared it, and they still don't. I got a big tongue lashing from my dad last week about allowing stupidity in my life and then I get sick. My dad reminded me to stop this nonsense, and face your reality. Then he said good luck with that you're an adult now get on with it.

I will be honest with you and tell that if you accept him into your life you will have to change. He commands you to become more like his son. His son paid for your life and you owe him. He does not owe you. I wonder if he is tired of the religious game we play with him. The last 2 weeks have been a conversation about my game with him. He is tired of playing it with me. I don't have a problem with him telling me the truth. He is my father and he has expectations of me as his child. He basically said you are damaging your relationship with me and it is time to stop. If you cannot accept his truth as a christian you have problem in your relationship with him and you are failing him.

How is your relationship with him today? That should be the question.

10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5

8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 2 Corinthians 4: 8-10


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Time to Lose the Manners

I am a worrier by nature. I think about the future all the time which is a sin. I think about the what ifs becoming reality. Here is the kicker before Thanksgiving I read the scripture 34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34. I don't know if I should have read this scripture. He turned the what if into reality.

For the last 2 years I have worried about the financial repercussions of the health care bill regarding my health care and knowing what that truly meant to individuals that have chronic illnesses. I knew that our care would be in jeopardy. I knew that my doctor would not be able treat her patients the way she needed to. Hell, I grew up around vets and I knew exactly what government health care was. I thought why in the world would people want this. It all comes down to greed and envy. There is no other truth for it; we want what someone else has. We want to control that and feel secure. 

 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:4

I argued about it until I was blue in the face. I realized that when you argue with someone that has no understanding of what that would really do to individuals it is a huge waste of time. They have no concept of what that truly means for people. If you take from someone that needs it because you don't think it is fair, use God to do it, force it on others it is a huge sin, and not compassion. It is manipulation in the purest form. Thank God I was raised by parents that told you the truth about things. They said if you do this there will be a consequence. That doesn't mean we didn't do it; idiots.

Tuesday I was sitting in my doc's office. She was doing her usual poking and prodding of my body. Things weren't responding the way they should, and after all these years we can laugh about it. MS does crazy things. I have a friend that loves to poke her finger at me and ask if I can feel it. Well, after the hundredth time I can feel it silly woman. I digress from the story though.

While I was there a drug rep came in with a box of drugs that heal MS patients during their attacks. These are not cheap drugs and not cost effective for insurance companies to cover when they have to pay mandates and regulations. It is a lot to cover; drugs, iv, the set-up costs, the nurses and god forbid you need more of it. I asked what was going on, and my doctor told me that some of her patients had be denied the treatment. She was working on getting the meds for free, or at a reduction in cost for the patient. They need the treatment to function. My doctor does not do well with individuals telling her she cannot care for her patients at all. God Bless Her!!!

I immediately thought great what if they deny it, and I gotta fight with them over something that I pay for. I have the evil "cadillac" plan. The one that everyone wants without paying for it. I'm evil because I pay for that and I don't want to share it. We went over the numbers just in case we have to cover the cost because the insurance won't cover it. I wasn't mad about that as much as I was so angry for these individuals and the selfishness of people. If you don't understand it and believed our president when he said it wouldn't affect your doctor or insurance that is called being duped and naivee'.

I have to admit that when I walked out of the office I wanted to call every friend and family member that voted for this man and his cronies, and ask them to cover these individuals costs. Don't blame Bush either, because he wasn't the one that designed it. I wanted to shout from the roof-tops where is your compassion for these individuals? I wanted to say practice what you preach, give your money to those that are ill, and look them in the eye when you do it. They are God's children too.

I wanted to yell why are people so envious of what they don't have, and want to steal it from their neighbors. Why does my husband deserve this burden? He works his ass off. He is trying to finish a project before the end of the year, 12 plus hours a day, and now there is a possibility that the insurance he pays for might not even cover what his wife needs. It pisses me off.

Why do my children deserve this burden? There is great fear for a mother when she can't get what she needs to care for her children. I look at my boys and know that they rely on me to care for them, and I don't like having to say "mommy, can't do that right now." I don't like having to think about other people caring for my children, because that is not their job. God gave me that job. To some people they think that is control, but no that is respecting and cherishing the role God gave me.

I am a pretty giving and generous person by nature, but I am not a doormat. I will love my enemies because God instructed me, but I don't have to respect them. I don't feel good right now, but I don't feel good most days. I can't feel my face, my feet, my legs, my body is burning like I am on fire, and I am physically weak. I have pain coursing through my body at extreme levels. The mercy and grace of this is it only makes me stronger in Him.

I get it I got a little prideful, a little boastful that hadn't had an attack in awhile. I looked in the mirror and remembered that I can be selfish, envious, have vanity, have fear, have guilt and worry about tomorrow. I wonder what you see when you look in the mirror? I wonder if people really understand what they have done.

He gives us the truth when we need it with great love and mercy. His purpose is for us to be his and worship him completely. To confess, beg and repent for his grace. He gives us the water that we thirst, or he gives us what we deserve. When I am having an attack they are some of the most cherished moments I have with God. The closest moments with him, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

"Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5